Lista de los 55 trofeos que incluye Uncharted 3


Siempre están los gamers que tienen como meta sacar todos los achievements o trofeos que incluye cada juego. Gracias al demo que presentaron de Uncharted 3 en el Eurogamer Expo, se filtro “sin querer,queriendo” la lista completa de los 55 trofeos que podrás conseguir en Uncharted 3.

Desde armas, tesoros, enemigos… bueno de casi todo, aquí­ les dejo la lista:

  1. First Treasure (Bronze) – Find one treasure
  2. Apprentice Fortune Hunter (Bronze) – Find 10 treasures
  3. Skilled Fortune Hunter (Bronze) – Find 40 treasures
  4. Adept Fortune Hunter (Bronze) – Find 60 treasures
  5. Expert Fortune Hunter (Bronze) – Find 80 treasures
  6. Relic Finder (Bronze) – Find the Strange Relic
  7. 20 Headshots (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies with headshots
  8. Headshot Expert (Bronze) – Defeat 5 enemies in a row with headshots
  9. Side Arm Master (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies in a row with your side arm
  10. Blindfire Marksman (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies by blind-firing while in cover (without aiming with L1)
  11. Run-and-Gunner (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming with L1)
  12. Hangman (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging
  13. Land Shark (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies while swimming
  14. 30 Kills: Mag 5 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the Mag 5
  15. 30 Kills: Arm Micro (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the Arm Micro
  16. 30 Kills: TAU Sniper (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the Tau Sniper
  17. 30 Kills: KAL 7 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the KAL 7
  18. 30 Kills: M9 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the M9
  19. 30 Kills: G-MAL (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the G-MAL
  20. 30 Kills: SAS-12 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the SAS-12
  21. 30 Kills: Dragon Sniper (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the Dragon Sniper
  22. 30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
  23. 30 Kills: RPG7 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG-7
  24. 30 Kills: PAK-80 (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the PAK-80
  25. 30 Kills: Mk-NDI (Bronze) – Defeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI
  26. Pro-Pain (Bronze) – Defeat 10 enemies with propane of acetylene tank explosions
  27. Grenade Hangman (Bronze) – Defeat 10 enemies with grenades while hanging
  28. Drop the Bomb Headshot (Bronze) – Make 5 enemies drop their grenades by shooting them
  29. Throwback (Bronze) – Kill 10 enemies with thrown-back grenades
  30. Throwback Master (Bronze) – Throw back a grenade and defeat two enemies at once
  31. Bare-knuckle Brawler (Bronze) – Defeat 20 enemies with hand-to-hand combat
  32. Bare-knuckle Slugger (Bronze) – Defeat 50 enemies with hand to hand combat
  33. Master Ninja (Bronze) – Defeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks
  34. Riot Rocker (Bronze) – Defeat 5 Riot Shield enemies by running over their shield
  35. Brute Beater (Bronze) – Successfully counter all of a Brute’s damage-giving attacks
  36. Quick Study (Bronze) – Inspect every display case in the Cartagena Museum
  37. Ride the Crocodile (Bronze) – Stand on the crocodile in the Secret Library
  38. He’s Gonna Need a Sturgeon (Bronze) – Hit three enemies with fish in the market
  39. Marco Solo (Bronze) – Play in the swimming pool on the Cruise Ship
  40. Truck Brawler (Bronze) – Defeat 10 enemies using hand-to-hand combat on the back of the convoy trucks
  41. Charted! – Easy (Bronze) – Finish the game in Easy Mode
  42. Thrillseeker (Bronze) – Complete one Competitive Multiplayer game
  43. Buddy System (Bronze) – Complete one Cooperative Multiplayer game
  44. Master Fortune Hunter (Silver) – Find 100 treasures
  45. Survivor (Silver) – Defeat 75 enemies in a row without dying
  46. Combat Leapfrog (Silver) – Defeat 10 enemies in a row, alternating hand-to-hand combat and gunplay
  47. 100 Headshots (Silver) – Defeat 100 enemies with headshots
  48. Reload Master (Silver) – Defeat 50 enemies in a row without auto-reloading
  49. Rolling Ammo Master (Silver) – 20 times in a row, pick up ammo while rolling
  50. Dyno-Might Master (Silver) – Defeat 5 enemies with one explosion
  51. Expert Ninja (Silver) – Defeat 5 enemies in a row using stealth attacks
  52. Charted! – Normal (Silver) – Finish the game in Normal Mode
  53. Charted! – Hard (Silver) – Finish the game in Hard Mode
  54. Charted! – Crushing (Gold) – Finish the game in Crushing Mode
  55. Platinum (Platinum) – ???

Ví­a: La Chica

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